This site makes it possible to consult the inventories of the archives preserved by Aindinese municipalities. They were produced by the archivists of the FPT Management Center of Ain as part of their interventions. Digitized documents can be associated with inventories. This site also references conservation institutions. It uses AtoM, free software for archival description.

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Some municipalities have deposited all or part of their centenary funds in the Departmental Archives. The inventories of the deposited municipal funds can be consulted on the website of the Departmental Archives.

AC de Salavre, plan de reconstruction du clocher et du chœur de l’église [1823-1825] (M6).

AC de Tossiat, plan géométral pour le projet de construction d’un puits, an X (3N2).

AC d’Arvière-en-Valromey, plan d’élévation d’un clocher comparatif à celui de Virieu-le-Petit, 1840 (1M4).

AC d’Arvière-en-Valromey, legs de Claude d’Ouche à la confrérie du Saint-Esprit de Chavornay, 1486 (GG5).

AC de Cleyzieu, affiche pour le recrutement aux troupes coloniales, Imprimerie nationale, 1909 (H6).

AC de Vesancy, plan de la seigneurie de Vesancy (1747) (FF8).